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Pressence Public Relations

Dear Sir/Madam,

Pressence Public Relations is a small independent consultant company dealing with selected public relations services for small and medium size organisations. We are delighted any time we can bring our expertise, talent and experience to an intellectually challenging project with renowned firms.

Pressence Public Relations communicates valid messages to key targets and developes projects to suit any budget or timescale. We deliver tailor-made media campaigns with coverage in the print, on-line and broadcast press. Every assignment is examined on its own merits and the most appropriate solution recommended.

We believe in straight talking and making profit. Non-typically for a PR company, we do not believe in over promising. That is what we trust our clients believe in, too.

We are based in Opole, the south-west of Poland, yet we are prepared to work anywhere in Poland. Although Pressence Public Relations operates preferably on the Polish market, we would be happy to co-operate with PR consultancies in other countries as well.

Our rationale is to deliver best services in:

  • counselling based on an understanding of human behaviour
  • research into public opinion
  • establishing and cultivating two-way communication based on truth and full information
  • advice on marketing communication
  • promoting mutual respect and social responsibility
  • harmonizing the private and the public interest.

Pressence Public Relations' service portfolio to retained clients includes:

  • press releases
  • video news releases
  • liaising with the media
  • liaising with management and clients
  • briefings and news conferences
  • conventional press clippings
  • product, service or brand launches
  • case study research and drafting
  • interviews on radio or TV
  • company or product videos
  • feature and opinion piece
  • studio and location photography
  • visits to plant or premises
  • conferences, exhibitions and trade fairs
  • acting as client's spokesman
  • establishing in-house PR department
  • input to strategic marketing.

Our specialities comprise:

We do our best to observe Codes of Conduct of the Public Relations Consultants Association, and - in particular - we shall:"

  • have a positive duty to observe the highest standards in the practice of public relations
  • conduct our professional activities with proper regard to the public interest
  • safeguard the confidence of both present and former clients and shall nor disclose or use these confidences, to the advantage or prejudice of such clients or to the financial advantage of the member firm, unless the client has released such information for public use, or has given specific permission for its disclosure; except upon the order of a court of law
  • adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth, avoiding extravagant claims or unfair comparisons and giving credit for ideas and words borrowed from others.

We will be gratified to have an opportunity to tell you more about our company. Please examine any of the three methods to contact us:

  1. Click here in order to fill in a form, which will be sent to Pressence Public Relations
  2. Send a message through e-mail: biuro@pressence.com.pl.
  3. If you prefer an individual contact, please dial +48 77 441 40 14 to arrange a meeting.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Bogusław Feliszek,
Pressence Public Relations

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