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EsPResso Quiz - Krótki, ale wcale nie taki łatwy quiz PR
Contact form Pressence PR

Contact Form

This form will be delivered to Pressence Public Relations consultant who is going to contact you as soon as possible.

First name:*
Company / Institution / Organisation:*
E-mail address:*
Preferred time for contact:
Preferred form of contact [phone/e-mail/snail mail]:
Please note that all fields marked * are mandatory

Which services from our portfolio are you interested in?

media relations labour relations
business-to-business special events
financial relations sponsoring
public affairs crisis management
community relations cross-cultural communication on the Internet


Please specify concisely details of your project:


When are you planning to commence your project?

at once in a month in three months later


Have you ever worked with a public relations consultant?

no yes


Send a copy to my email


Thank you for taking your time to complete this form. Please press the "Submit" button in order to send the form to Pressence Public Relations. We shall contact you promptly.

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